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Understanding and Applying Ethics at Work

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- Understanding and Applying Ethics at Work -

Course Overview

Working in an environment where ethics are blurred, or employees disregard rules and policies can have major negative consequences and harm organisational trust, team-building, communication and even morale. While ethical behaviour tends to be a broad term, the Ethics Research Center data suggest organisations or teams that have no training in business ethics are three times more likely to experience ethical issues compared to teams or companies that conduct ethics training.

In Understanding and Applying Ethics at Work, you will learn what ethics are all about and how to identify unethical behaviour. Following these guidelines, you will always know that your work and behaviour is of the highest integrity and in turn, you will help to co-create a team and organisation where trust and honesty are paramount. You’ll learn how to have greater integrity when approaching problems, have increased respect amongst your co-workers and know the standards behaviour expected of you.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Dispel common myths about business ethics
  • Describe the ideal ethical workplace
  • Implement ethics guidelines and policies in your organisation
  • Identify and resolve typical ethical dilemmas
  • Recognise common excuses for unethical behaviour, and what to do about them
  • Deal with unethical coworkers, customers, and vendors

Topics Covered

  • What are ethics?
  • Examples of ethical and non-ethical behaviour at work
  • The consequences of not upholding company ethics
  • Benefits of an ethical workplace
  • Guidelines for working in and achieving an ethical workplace
  • Is this ethical? Apply decision-making tools and analysis
  • Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Gifts and entertainment
  • Political activities
  • Information security
  • Confidential information
  • If you’re a leader, learn how to handle and discipline people who have behaved unethically
  • What are your organisation’s ethics policies?

Why Learn Online?

Learning new skills online can be perfect for organisations and employees for the following reasons:
  • You only have one or a few employees to train and develop (on a specific training topic)
  • Getting a trainer to your location could be difficult or cost-prohibitive
  • The employees you want to train work from home or are part-time
  • You don’t have the resources to cover for the employees you want to be trained, so allowing them to the training online means they won’t need to leave their work areas
  • Your training budget is limited, and online learning is more cost-effective
  • You want your people trained in a wide range of skills this year,’s online learning provides much better value to get everyone involved in learning and developing themselves.
  • Learn on a desktop
  • Watch on a Tablet
  • Take the training on a Smartphone
  • Develop skills at work or at home