Great employees aren't born; they're trained! We make learning simple, enjoyable and cost-effective. With business noew recovering from the Covid-19 lockdown, we understand that your organisation may have a limited budget for learning and development. That's why we can help you and your people with live (classroom or virtual) or self-paced online via our e-Courses.

Getting Yourself Organised, Motivated and Focused for the Next 12 Months (E)

Personal Growth Training

Getting Yourself Organised, Motivated and Focused for the Next 12 Months

Live Online Session:
Monday – Sunday, January 31 – February 06, 2022

Option 1:
$197+gst per person
Option 2: Three or more attendees? Call us for pricing.

Option 3: Free with Success[hacks] membership
(Access an entire year of courses for all of your employees with one low-cost membership.)

Why this Course is Important

Last year was busy and you’ve just enjoyed Christmas and New Year with your friends and family. Now it’s time to get back to work, and while starting a new year is  exciting, it’s also a little daunting. Even if you’re looking forward to getting back to work, you might already feel overwhelmed with everything that you know that you need to do this year.

Rather than make this year like every other, why not take some time to get clear about what you hope to achieve over the next 12 months. Instead of waiting for your manager, team leader or supervisor to tell you what they want you to accomplish, how about you take the initiative and develop your own plan for what you want to achieve at work, and in your personal life?

Getting Yourself Organised, Motivated and Focused for the Next 12 Months (E) will show you how to get focused, stay organised, be motivated and ready for success throughout the year ahead.

Course Objectives

Successful completion of this course will increase your ability to:

  • Understand the importance of having an annual plan for your professional and personal life.
  • Review your performance and outcomes from last year to prepare for this year.
  • Undertake a personal and career SWOT analysis.
  • Avoid all of the known roadblocks that could hinder your team and personal progress this year by preparing in advance.
  • Clearly identify your short and long-term team and team-contributor goals.
What Will You Learn
  • An introduction into personality styles.
  • Why you need to plan in order to keep you focused and accountable to yourself and your team.
  • Identify your achievements and setbacks over the last 12 months.
  • What does your manager and team expect of you this year?
  • What you should do if your manager doesn’t set you or your team-specific goals at the start of this year.
  • How to create your own on one page and present it to your manager.
  • How to divide this coming year into four quarters and set work and personal goals for each quarter.
  • How to come to work each day with a greater focus to be able to get things done.

Getting Yourself Organised, Motivated and Focused for the Next 12 Months

Personal Growth Training

Live Online Session:
January 29, 2021 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Option 1: $197+gst per person
Option 2: Three or more attendees? Call us for pricing.

Option 3: Free with Success[hacks] membership (Access an entire year of courses for all of your employees with the low-cost membership)

Why this Course is Important

Your personality style can influence every aspect of life, and chances major aspects of your personality has already guided your career choices, relationships, buying decisions and much more. For example, a person’s personality style explains why some men and women are naturally more introverted while others are extroverted.

Considering personality styles influence how everyone communicates, wouldn’t it be helpful if you could learn more about your own style, as well as how to identify these personality styles in your colleagues, manager, customers and even the people in your personal life?

During The Four Personalities in Your Workplace session, you will get to complete your own personality style assessment to help you learn more about your natural strengths. As a result of this training, you’ll recognise the value of differing personalities and walk away with a set of strategies to communicate and bring out the best in yourself and others you work and interact with everyday.

Course Objectives

Successful completion of this course will increase your ability to:

  • Understand that there are only four main reasons for all underperformance issues
  • Know how to approach a team member who is underperforming and tackle it head-on and don’t hope that the problem will go away by itself.
  • Feel more confident when you need to approach a team member about their behaviour or performance.
  • Know what to say and what not to say during an informal or formal
    performance management conversation.
What You Will Learn
  • An introduction into personality styles.
  • Are you born with a particular personality style?
  • Can you change personality styles?
  • Why are there some people you naturally get on with and other people you don’t?
  • Why learning to understand other people’s natural behavioural styles can improve the quality of your working and personal relationships.
  • An introduction to DISC styles.
  • Charting the D style.
  • Understanding the I style.
  • Learning about the S style.
  • Meeting the C style.
  • How to know when you’re dealing with different styles.
  • How to connect, communicate and enjoy relationships at work with people who are different or similar to you.

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John Doe

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