Great employees aren't born; they're trained! We make learning simple, enjoyable and cost-effective. With business noew recovering from the Covid-19 lockdown, we understand that your organisation may have a limited budget for learning and development. That's why we can help you and your people with live (classroom or virtual) or self-paced online via our e-Courses.

Bullying No More! Your Role in Creating a Respectful Workplace

Anti-Bullying Training

Live Online Session:
October 23, 2020 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm


Option 1: $197+gst per person
Option 2: Three or more attendees? Call us for pricing.

Option 3: Free with Success[hacks] membership
(Access an entire year of courses for all of your employees with one low-cost membership.)

Why this Course is Important

In a recent study by SafeWork Australia, nearly 40% of respondents said they have experienced bullying at work. While many people think of bullying as physical (like pushing or touching), the largest amount of bullying in many workplaces is psychological. Whether it’s name-calling, shaming, yelling or being harassed, the cost of not dealing with bullying can be catastrophic for the person being bullied and their organisation.

When bullying is ignored, it creates a workplace culture that bullying is accepted.  Now is the time to learn about bullying and what to do if you are being bullied. If you’re not being bullied you still have a responsibility as an employee to help create a workplace that is respectful and safe.

Bullying No More! is a training session to help you gain greater clarity around this important topic and to teach you what to do if you observe it and how to play your part in building a respectful, safe and happy place to come to work each day.

Course Objectives

Successful completion of this course will increase your ability to:

  • Know what workplace bullying is, including examples of bullying behaviours.
  • Know what workplace bullying isn’t, including examples of acceptable behaviours that are not bullying.
  • How to deal with bullying by a manager or colleague.
  • What to do if you observe bullying.
  • How you can create a respectful, inclusive workplace where bad behaviour is not accepted.
What Will You Learn
  • Why bullying and harassment is something that should concern you and your colleagues.
  • The cost of keeping silent.
  • The difference between bullying and harassment.
  • Bullying and harassment is not just wrong, it’s against the law.
  • Workplace examples of what bullying and harassment look like.
  • A discussion about what bullying isn’t.
  • As an employee – what to do if you are being bullied.
  • As a manager – what to do if you observe bullying within your team.
  • What actions you can take if your manager or organization don’t take your claims of being bullied seriously.
  • Positive ways you can create a respectful workplace.

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

John Doe

Bullying No More! Your Role in Creating a Respectful Workplace

Anti-Bullying Training

Live Online Session:
October 23, 2020 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Option 1: $197+gst per person
Option 2: Three or more attendees? Call us for pricing.

Option 3: Free with Success[hacks] membership (Access an entire year of courses for all of your employees with one low-cost membership.)

Why this Course is Important

In a recent study by SafeWork Australia, nearly 40% of respondents said they have experienced bullying at work. While many people think of bullying as physical (like pushing or touching), the largest amount of bullying in many workplaces is psychological. Whether it’s name-calling, shaming, yelling or being harassed, the cost of not dealing with bullying can be catastrophic for the person being bullied and their organisation.

When bullying is ignored, it creates a workplace culture that bullying is accepted.  Now is the time to learn about bullying and what to do if you are being bullied. If you’re not being bullied you still have a responsibility as an employee to help create a workplace that is respectful and safe.

Bullying No More! is a training session to help you gain greater clarity around this important topic and to teach you what to do if you observe it and how to play your part in building a respectful, safe and happy place to come to work each day.

Course Objectives

Successful completion of this course will increase your ability to:

  • Know what workplace bullying is, including examples of bullying behaviours.
  • Know what workplace bullying isn’t, including examples of acceptable behaviours that are not bullying.
  • How to deal with bullying by a manager or colleague.
  • What to do if you observe bullying.
  • How you can create a respectful, inclusive workplace where bad behaviour is not accepted.
What Will You Learn
  • Why bullying and harassment is something that should concern you and your colleagues.
  • The cost of keeping silent.
  • The difference between bullying and harassment.
  • Bullying and harassment is not just wrong, it’s against the law.
  • Workplace examples of what bullying and harassment look like.
  • A discussion about what bullying isn’t.
  • As an employee – what to do if you are being bullied.
  • As a manager – what to do if you observe bullying within your team.
  • What actions you can take if your manager or organization don’t take your claims of being bullied seriously.
  • Positive ways you can create a respectful workplace.

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

John Doe